In the age of speed and fast food, stomach ailments are spreading at breakneck speed. After all, nutrition for gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcers plays an almost decisive role. In this document, an attempt is made to find out the diet for gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcer, what to do for further treatment, how to eat right?
What's important?

The question of why diet is important for gastritis often has a different meaning: "What can you eat when you have gastritis, pancreatitis, or an ulcer, and what foods should you get rid of? "Each diet, with the increase of gastritis symptoms, prescribes a number of rules regarding the preparation and timing of meals, which are an integral part of the treatment of not only diseasesdescribed but also pancreatitis, as well as peptic ulcer. In other words, a nutritious diet is the most important component in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis, and stomach ulcers at almost any stage.
Diet for gastritis patients should be balanced and gentle, it is for this purpose that a diet for people with acute gastritis is essential. Its strict observance will allow you to avoid colic or other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, will help stop the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa, and the treatment will be moderate.

Diet for gastritis means:
- split meals;
- monitor the temperature of the consumable product;
- prepare appropriate food for the patient;
- refuse alcoholic and carbonated drinks, tobacco;
- simple food choices without preservatives and hot sauces;
- exclude from the menu spices and seasonings;
- Food should be chewed thoroughly.
Any diet for an exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcer, calculated for a week or more, will not be beneficial without observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle (giving up bad habits)and regular exercise and sports). Only when these conditions are met, the diet for gastritis treatment compiled by a nutritionist will bring the expected results, the treatment of this organ as well as the accompanying symptoms of the disease. will be minimized.
What products can you
Some food products have anti-inflammatory properties or do not irritate the stomach lining. The way foods are prepared is also important because the way foods are prepared affects their acidity. The adherence to the diet for gastritis also regulates the frequency of meals. With a history of stomach problems (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers), you need to sit at the table at least five times a day.
In this case, you should not be gluttonous, if you are not satisfied with your meal, it is better to resume it after a while. If low or high acidity in the stomach causes inflammation of the mucous membranes (gastritis), you need to pay attention to the temperature of the menu items. For stomach diseases, foods that are too hot or, conversely, foods that are too cold are not recommended. Food should be warm, so it does not irritate the lining of the digestive tract and does not cause symptoms of stomach disease.
The menu selection for people with gastritis must take into account the content of hydrogen ions in the stomach, or in other words, its acidity. For example, fried, fatty and spicy foods, pickles, as well as homemade canned foods are contraindicated for idiopathic gastritis with high and low Ph lesions of the gastrointestinal tract of the gastrointestinal tract. main chemistry.

In many ways, the digestive system's response to foods depends on their consistency. Food for an exacerbation of gastritis should mainly consist of liquid, pureed foods, in severe cases, ground foods. In this form, it passes through the esophagus faster, preventing the symptoms of gastric diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers) from manifesting. Specifically, what can be consumed for gastritis will be told by a dietitian or a personal nutrition coach who has one, and their task is also to make a list of foodsfor a week or so on a diet. A person with a medical diploma should also deal with the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
At high pH
So, what can you eat when you have gastritis, pancreatitis or an ulcer, there is increased acidity in the stomach, so the symptoms of these diseases are as rare as possible. The primary task of the diet for gastritis is to minimize the consumption of foods that are dangerous to it from the mechanical, chemical and thermal aspects. It has been said about the temperature of food for patients with gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcers, we repeat, people with stomach disease should exclude a diet that is too hot or too cold.
Excessively coarse foods, undercooked cabbage, radishes, radishes or cereals and bran bread can damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, you need to get used to their lack of them. Such foods increase the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers, pancreatitis, and gastritis.

Chemical irritants in the inflammatory process in the stomach are:
- all kinds of alcohol;
- sweet confectionery;
- greasy broth;
- Soft drink;
- garlic and onions which at first glance are very useful;
- unripe fruit;
- sour juices;
- black bread.
In case of exacerbation of symptoms of gastritis, ulceration or pancreatitis, the abuse of such products can lead to long-term treatment of these diseases.
At a lower pH
The list of foods that make up the diet for stomach disease (pancreatitis, ulcer, or gastritis) should start with the fact that you can't eat with gastritis the lower the acidity of the stomach, the lesssuch food. With inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, foods that are difficult to digest, fish and meat with a high fat content, smoked and canned foods, even at home, are prohibited. You will also have to give up smoking if you don't want to spend time and money treating stomach problems, such as pancreatitis or ulcers.

For a complete meal, the following foods are recommended:
- rabbit meat;
- some poultry meat varieties (chicken, turkey);
- milk derivatives;
- baked fruit (apple and pear);
- onions, garlic and sour fruits;
- some juices, for example, birch.
Such foods increase the acidity of gastric juice, and prevent the manifestation of symptoms of digestive dysfunction. Therefore, no treatment is required.
Menu of the week
There is a group of people who suffer from peptic ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis, because there is no time to organize meals according to the diet for at least a week. For such people, a list of dishes is provided for seven days:

- Day 1 and day 3.For breakfast, you can have a portion of Hercules and a glass of compote. Lunch will include some steamed cheesecake. For lunch, we recommend mashed potatoes, vegetable soup with breadcrumbs, boiled fish and chips. Between lunch and dinner, you can enjoy a cup of tea with unleavened biscuits. For dinner, the cutlets, spaghetti and tea are excellent.
- Days 2, 4 and 6.You should start the morning with a baked apple with a slice of cheesecake. While waiting for lunch, you should limit eating jelly. Vegetable soup, steamed fish and mineral water will be very useful for lunch. Those who prefer lunch may be advised to have unsweetened tea with bread crumbs. For dinner, you can prepare cheese and jelly casseroles.
- Day 5, 7.You can start your day with a soft boiled egg and a glass of soft drink. The second breakfast should have cheesecake and tea. In the middle of the day, it won't hurt a vegetable stew, mashed potato soup, and jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can have pureed fruit, a serving of kefir, and crackers. For dinner, it is appropriate to serve porridge, boiled fish and a glass of rosehip broth.
Eating a diet like this may not need to treat the symptoms of gastritis, ulcers, or pancreatitis.